Denying Joy

I love guinea pigs.

If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you won’t be surprised by this. These little half-pound meat potatoes bring so much joy to my life, and I’ve had to exercise an insane amount of self-control to limit myself to only three. My retirement goal is to open a guinea pig rescue sanctuary where I can take in every sweet piggy desperate for a home. Until then, I have to shower all my affection on these three:

I mean, come on. Look at them! 😍

My kids are just as crazy about them (although they leave the poop cleaning to me most of the time). They love to snuggle and play with them, and I can often hear them giggling as watch them “popcorn” around the floor (if you don’t know what popcorning is, please google it–you won’t be disappointed). In fact, my daughter asked me the other day, “Mom, why do you think God made guinea pigs?” She recognized the little rodents had very little practical use; they pretty much just lay around and eat all day. But, tongue in cheek, I simply smiled and said, “I think God created them to make us happy.”

Now, I realize that probably isn’t true. I’m sure guinea pigs serve SOME purpose in God’s infinitely complex ecosystem. But I believe there might be some truth in the sentiment, too. I think there’s a big misconception that God expects our lives here on earth to be somber ones. Many people view Him as some harsh dictator in the sky hanging a long list of impossible rules over our heads, rules specifically designed to keep us in line and straight-faced.

But that’s simply not true.

Scripture tells us that not only is God our joy (Psalm 16:11) but that joy can be found in His creation. He created it–and He enjoys it (see Genesis 1). There are a myriad of things here on this earth that God created for our enjoyment–beautiful scenery, delicious food, loving relationships. On top of that, we would not feel the delight such things bring if we humans were not created that way. We possess the compacity to experience joy because that’s how the Creator made us–since that’s who He Himself is: our joy!

Sadly, however, there’s a catch.

Not everything that brings us joy is joyful to God. That’s because, with the fall, our sinful nature corrupted the very thing God instilled in us to be able to enjoy the world He created. Because of this, the old adage of “if it feels good, do it” or “follow your heart” is no longer a reliable signifier of God’s approval.

John Wesley, the famous English theologian, wrote that one should “deny yourself every pleasure that you are not divinely conscious brings you nearer to God.” There are many things in this world that may bring us momentary happiness or joy—but do they bring us closer to God?

That relationship with a certain person may FEEL good–but does it bring you closer to God?

That drink or drug may bring you pleasure–but does it bring you closer to God?

Watching a certain TV show or reading a certain book may entertain you–but does it bring you closer to God?

Wesley encouraged everyone to examine all their sources of joy against Scripture. Even if it brought you what you believed was happiness, if there was a rebuke against it in the pages of God’s Word, then the pleasure it brought about was not from God, but from their sinful nature and, as such, should be discouraged.

Yes, God wants us to experience joy. But, more importantly, He wants us to be holy. And sometimes, that means denying the things that our sin nature say can bring us happiness. As Wesley said, “Steadily resolve to seek happiness where it may be found; where it cannot be sought in vain. Resolve to seek it in the true God, the fountain of all blessedness…acquaint thyself now with him, and be at peace.”

And go ahead and enjoy His creation. Especially guinea pigs. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Denying Joy

  1. Thank you. I needed this. My husband was released from the hospital on Monday after a bout of pneumonia and we are dealing with folow-up doctor visits. We had three piggies, Mordechai, Michah and Malachi. They brought alot of joy to us.


    • Oh, I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m sure this a very stressful, trying time for you both. But praise God is home with you! I pray you are both able to find joy in the small moments as you travel this journey towards healing. Hugs from a fellow guinea pig lover. ❤️


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